EMI中心邀請英國Oxford EMI Training機構開設全英語授課之證照培訓課程
全英中心邀請英國Oxford EMI Training機構於112年2月6日至2月10日針對本校全英語授課教師展開為期五日的線上密集訓練課程,期許能藉由此培訓幫助本校教師強化全英語授課之品質,並且順利地將培訓技巧實際應用在課堂教學上,以提升全英語教學成效,本次共計九位來自不同領域的教師參與訓練。
證照培訓課程由Oxford EMI專業學者進行設計規劃,順利完成課程者將於課後取得證書。課程前半段安排教師們先於 Moodle 網站進行自主學習、完成作業練習與小組討論,後半段則會由Oxford EMI專業培訓師進行線上同步教學,提供專家建議。培訓內容主要著重於EMI教學技巧以及EMI課堂經營,使EMI教師能夠順利地透過全英語方式來授課,同時能夠在課堂間發展出更有效的師生互動來加強學生在全英語境下對於課程的理解,提升學生學習成效。參與教師表示這五天的課程安排得相當用心,透過本次培訓收穫良多,非常開心能夠藉由這個機會和來自不同國家的大學教師以及專業EMI學者進行互動交流!
The EMI Center invited Oxford EMI Training from the UK to hold an intensive, 5-day online training course for EMI teachers at the University from February 6-10, 2023, in the hopes that the training can help Tamkang teachers to enhance the quality of their EMI teaching, and to successfully apply what they learned from the course into their teaching in class so as to raise the effectiveness of EMI teaching. The course was attended by 9 teachers from various disciplines.
The course for the certificate was designed and planned by experts at Oxford EMI, and teachers who successfully completed the course were able to obtain the certificate. The first part of the course used Moodle for teachers to do self-learning, complete assignments and carry out group discussions. The second part utilized the expert Oxford EMI trainers to carry out synchronous online teaching, and offer advice. The training was primarily focused on EMI teaching techniques and EMI classroom management, so that EMI teachers can carry out their teaching through EMI more smoothly. At the same time, more effective teacher-student interactions can develop in class, which can strengthen students’ understanding in an EMI environment, thus enhancing student learning outcome. The teachers that attended the course indicated that the 5-day course was well organized and thought out, benefitting them a great deal, and they were all very happy to have this opportunity to interact with university teachers and expert EMI scholars from around the world.