Background and goals
全英語授課(English as a medium of instruction)已是全球及台灣高等教育的趨勢。學生的學習風格、社會環境因素及疫情時代的混合教學發展,亦促發不同的教學型態需求──身為高教的從業人員,我們已不能忽視大學教學場域正在歷經快速的轉變。
English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has become a trend for higher education both globally and in Taiwan. The development of mixing teaching and learning due to learning style of students, social environmental factors, and the pandemic era are driving the needs and demands for different teaching models. As someone working in higher education, it is no longer possible for us to ignore the rapid transformation the university teaching environment is currently undergoing.
When faced with such changes, how to use appropriate course designs, teaching activity guidelines, planning of preview and review-based homework, and in-class practicals and discussions are all critical topics for the transformation of teaching. In particular, when course planning need to be expanded upon based on the spirit of EMI, the amount of time and effort that is needed to do so as well as when prepping the classes are often issues any
university lecturers are faced with at the current stage. Indeed, just as many lecturer who have to get involved with EMI courses feels, even though they posses comprehensive academic knowledge of their field, but they are hampered by their linguistic abilities and the challenge of the course design, leading them to feel their class is falling short of the ideal course they have in their minds.
The students’ learning are guided by the professors; but who can assist the professor in overcoming the challenges in their EMI teaching?
In light of these challenges, the EMI Center have set up consultation services and support for EMI courses. Whether it is consultation on course/teaching models, recommendations for course design, integration of technology into teaching, or experience sharing and suggestions on opening an EMI course, the EMI course consultation can be accessed by any lecturer, thus providing Tamkang faculties a support channel in their endeavor.
Implementation methods
一、專業諮詢:諮詢教師團隊由受過專業CLIL訓練的種子教師(Content and Language Integrated Learning)及英文學系專業英語教學背景教師組成,提供兩大面向的諮詢需求:
掃描海報上方QR Code 或利用後方連結:https://reurl.cc/lgQp7j,務必填寫完預約表單。
I. Expert consultation: the faculty member making up the consultation team are all seed lecturers who have received CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) training and faculty members from the Department of English specializing in English-based teaching, aiming to provide consultation services to two main fronts:
(i) The Center’s consultant teachers will introduce specialized teaching methods (e.g. CLIL, task-oriented learning, etc.) into EMI course design, and based on the need and demands of teachers regardless of department or subjects, provide suggestions on the design of interactive course activities, in order to enliven the actual EMI teaching process.
(ii) The consultant teachers can also speak from their own personal EMI teaching experience, sharing and make suggestions regarding opening and planning a course, prepping for class, and an EMI teacher’s attitude and mentality towards their course.
II. Consultation available to: Any full-time Tamkang University faculty member. Any faculty currently teaching an EMI course or is planning to open an EMI course are welcome to contact the Center to access this service.
III. Consultation method:
(i) Consultation for the 2023 academic year will be available from week 3 (Mar. 4) to week 14 (May. 24).
(ii) By online booking:
1. Please complete the Google form (https://reurl.cc/lgQp7j)
2. Please make the booking no later than two days prior to the date of the consultation, so as to allow time for related administrative procedures to takeplace.
3. Once the EMI Center has received the Google form, center administrators (Ms. Chia-Ying Lin will notify the applicant regarding the result of the booking and other related details)
(iii) Required information: It is recommended that the teacher seeking consultation bring along the teaching material on the day of the consultation.