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全英語教學推動中心於8月15至19日與澳洲昆士蘭機構(Queensland Institute)聯合舉辦全英語授課教師國際線上培訓課程「Active Learning Approaches and EMI in Higher Education」,透過Google Meet展開為期五日的全英語教學密集訓練,總計20位專任教師報名參與。



On August 15-19, the EMI Center, together with Queensland Institute, Australia, jointly held the “Active Learning Approaches and EMI in Higher Education” international online training course for EMI teachers, where intensive EMI training took place on Google Meet over the five days. A total of 20 full-time faculty members registered and participated in this course.

The goals of the course were to enhance the EMI abilities for Tamkang University faculty, to implement student-based learning and active learning models in EMI classes, to introduce task-oriented and cooperative learning into the classrooms, and to use a mix model of physical and online modes to enrich EMI teaching.

The Vice President for International Affairs, Professor Lucia Hsiao-chuan Chen, stated that she was very happy that the week of training was successful and productive. In the future, the Center will set up more professional EMI courses for faculty members to participate in. Those in attendance also indicated they came away with a lot, and highly praised the interactive training in the course provided by the trainers Fiona, Philippa and Ceara. They also appreciated the effort the EMI Center had put into organizing the EMI training course, and hope to attend more such courses in the future!

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