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TOEFL 「寫作口說」應試技巧講座

欲在 TOEFL 寫作和口說測試中脫穎而出?我們特別為您提供一場專注於 TOEFL 寫作和口說技巧的實用講座。這個講座將教您如何有效組織和表達您的想法,提升寫作和口說技巧。我們的專家將分享測試策略、範例題目和實際練習,幫助您取得優異的成績。不容錯過這個提升 TOEFL 表現的機會,立即報名參加吧!


Education and Experience
◎ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 美國伊利諾州大學香檳校區
1.Master of Arts in Linguistics (語言學)
2.Master of Arts in Teaching English as an International Language (英語教學)

◎ English Instructor at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University大專英語教師

◎ ETS Official TOEIC Propell Facilitator

◎ Teacher Trainer for Teacher Professional Development Workshops

◎ Cambridge Speaking Examiner for KET(A2), PET(B1),FCE(B2)

◎ Cambridge EMI, Oxford EMI certificates
◎ 國合會駐外人員技師英文口試委員
◎ TOEIC 990 新版多益滿分990

2023/11/20 10:00 ~ 2023/11/20 12:00

2023/10/16 08:00 ~ 2023/11/17 12:00

驚聲紀念大樓 T307

活動時數:2.0 小時
報名人次上限:40 名
預估錄取名額:36 名

TOEFL Writing and Speaking Test Skills Seminar Want to excel on the writing and speaking section of the TOEFL test? We are pleased to offer you a practical seminar focusing on TOEFL writing and speaking skills. This seminar will teach you how to organize and express your ideas effectively and improve your writing and speaking skills. Our experts will share test strategies, sample questions, and practical exercises to help you excel. Don't miss this opportunity to improve your TOEFL performance, register now!

Speaker: Pi-Hsia Hsu
Education and Experience
◎ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1.Master of Arts in Linguistics (Linguistics)
2.Master of Arts in Teaching English as an International Language

◎ English Instructor at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University

◎ Facilitator ETS Official TOEIC Propell ETS

◎ Teacher Trainer for Teacher Professional Development Workshops

◎ Cambridge Speaking Examiner for KET(A2), PET(B1),FCE(B2)

◎ Cambridge EMI, Oxford EMI certificates

◎ Taiwan ICDF Overseas Personnel Technician
English Oral Examiner

◎ TOEIC score 990

Time: 2023/11/20 10:00 ~ 2023/11/20 12:00

Registration: 2023/10/16 08:00 ~ 2023/11/17 12:00

Venue: T307

Event duration: 2.0 hours
Maximum number of applicants: 40
Estimated number of participants: 36
Target: teachers, students, staffs


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