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全英語教學中心 - 助理工作坊


恭喜各位受國際學院教師推薦成為全英語教學助理。為使各位能更了解其工作職責及中心規章,全英語教學中心將於2021年10月17日舉辦線上(MS teams)研習營,請各位務必參加。完成此次研習者,中心將核發研習證書,以任全英語教學助理一職。詳見附檔課程表、講義(請事先自行列印)、及報名連結,請於10月14日下午5點前完成報名。


有任何疑問,歡迎以mail連繫全英語教學推動中心(EMI Center)

淡江大學 全英語教學推動中心


Dear EMI Teaching Assistants,

Congratulation! You have been nominated as EMI Teaching Assistants by professors at International Affairs College. The EMI Center is about to hold the training workshop on 17 October 2021 to help you familiarize yourselves with this job position and responsibility. After the completion of this training, the Center will issue the certificate qualifying you as EMI TAs in this academic year. Please refer to the attached files for detailed information and register online by 5:00 p.m. 14 October.

Please also make sure that you have a webcam (or a smartphone/tablet) and a microphone so that you can show your face, share your ideas and interact with other TAs during the online workshop. Despite reluctancy, this basic request is a must-do to make the workshop work well via MSteams.

Shall you have any enquiries, feel free to e-mail EMI Center at

Best regards,

TKU EMI Center

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