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理學院EMI 全英語課程: 學生學習與老師教學心得分享


時 間:2022/10/31 ( 12:10 ~ 13:00 )
地 點:鍾靈化學館水牛廳 C013
主 講 人:化學系
主辦單位 :化學系

化學系的蔡旻燁老師跟大家分享心得,他認為對於外籍學生上全英的課程,總是會踴躍發表。 然而台灣籍的學生卻總是安靜。
化學系的陳志欣老師也跟大家分享心得,他認為全英課程對未來是有幫助。 因為多一種語言的練習,多一個角度去學習新鮮事物。
化學系的黃家琪老師則是跟大家分享教學的一些經驗,以通識課程來說,由於很多課程話題需要跨領域,對於老師是一種挑戰,但也是一種學習的經驗。 例如跟學生講到「龍蝦」這個話題,除了一些營養素的介紹外,還要旁徵博引,絕對要跟學生講到龍蝦最早是窮人的食物,然後再演變成高貴食物那一段歷史。


The event aimed to increase College of Science teachers’ and students’ understanding towards the use of foreign language in teaching and learning new knowledge in EMI courses after experiencing them. Through sharing, there could be mutual understanding of other side’s opinions, which can help teachers improve their knowledge and skills for English teaching and stimulate students' interest in learning.

Time: October 31, 2022 (12:10-13:00)
Venue: C013, Zhong-Ling Chemistry Hall
Speaker/s: Department of Chemistry

Organizer: The event by the Department of Chemistry was mainly aimed at sharing the teaching experience of lecturers and students’ learning experience, to allow bilateral exchange so that there can be mutual understanding from both sides, and allow teachers who plan to hold EMI course in the future to have some points of reference.
The students in attendance were all quite reserved, and did not offer any comments.
Assistant Professor Min-Yeh Tsai (Department of Chemistry) shared his experience with those present: he thought that international students are always actively expressing themselves in EMI classes, but Taiwanese students are always very quiet.
Professor Chih-Hsin Chen (Department of Chemistry) also shared his thoughts. He believed that EMI courses would be of help in the future, because learning and practicing a new language provide an extra perspective when learning new things.
Assistant Professor Chia-Chi Huang (Department of Chemistry) shared on her experience regarding teaching. In terms of general education courses, as a lot of topics and themes are inter- or cross-discipline in nature, they become a challenge to teachers, but also a learning experience. For example, if one needs to speak to students about lobsters, in addition to introducing some terminologies on nutrients, and one still need to make extensive reference to information from other fields, like how lobsters were initially the food for the poor, which then evolved to become food for the upper class.

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