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1、 活動宗旨

2、 主辦單位
  主辦單位:淡江大學 全英語教學推動中心

3、 活動時間
 (1) 收件時間:即日起至111年12月15日止。

4、 參賽資格

5、 比賽規則
 (1) 參賽組別:此競賽為團體賽,每組以2-3人為限,恕不接受個人報名參賽。
 (2) 比賽主題:全英語授課(EMI)是利還是弊?
 (3) 賽制說明:以影像方式進行「全英語授課(EMI)是利還是弊?」論述。

6、 作品規格
 (1) 報告時間:以7-10分鐘為限。
 (2) 影片格式:以MP4或MOV為佳,及其他可支援上傳社群媒體之格式,並以【參賽者姓名_學號】為檔案名稱。
 (3) 影片解析度:1920×1080p以上之「橫式」影片。
 (4) 影片形式:須以全英文呈現,且所有組員須入鏡。
 (5) 簡報格式:PPT或PPTX檔,並以【參賽者姓名_學號】為檔案名稱。
 (6) 拍攝器材:不限,手機、相機、平板電腦等攝影器材皆可。

7、 參賽方式
 (1) 請每組派一名主要聯絡人填寫網路報名表單。
 (2) 請將參賽影片及簡報檔案儲存於個人雲端,並開啟權限,於填寫網路報名表單時附上連結,或持檔案至全英語教學推動中心(T1119)辦理。
 (3) 每位組員都須繳交紙本報名相關資料(附件1、2)至全英語教學推動中心。
 (4) 中心於收到參賽作品後將確認參賽稿件是否符合規定,於3個工作天內回傳報名成功通知信。如資料不齊全需補件者,主辦單位得通知限期補正,逾期不補正或補正不全者,將不予受理評審。

8、 評分標準
 (1) 英文表達(40%):英文發音、語法及準確度。
 (2) 簡報內容(40%):主題關聯性、流暢度及創意表現之詮釋。
 (3) 整體表現(20%):包含形體表現、聲音表現及風度表現與服裝及儀容。

9、 獎勵辦法

 (1) 參賽者應擔保其參賽作品享有一切著作權利,並無抄襲、剽竊之情事,影片中有利用他人著作或權利(包含文字、影像與聲音等)時,參賽者應自行取得該著作財產權人或權利人之同意或授權,並於收件時繳交其授權之相關聲明。
 (2) 參賽作品若有下列情事之一,經查屬實者,將取消參賽及獲獎資格:作品不實、侵害他人著作權或其他權利之行為,相關法律責任與損失,由參賽者自行負責與賠償,與主辦單位無關。
 (3) 本活動之參賽作品須同意提供淡江大學全英語推動中心之宣傳與非營利推廣使用,授權範圍包括利用作品於國內外重製、散布、公開傳輸、公開播送。其使用方式及次數均不受限,均不另給酬。
 (4) 參賽者投稿以一件為限。
 (5) 參賽者請自行備份參賽作品,繳交後概不退件。
 (6) 獲獎影片於比賽結束後將公布於各社群媒體、影音平台等供師生參考。
 (7) 本辦法如有未盡事宜,主辦單位得隨時修訂並公告辦理。

 (1) 業務承辦人:淡江大學全英語教學推動中心 張小姐
 (2) 連絡電話:02-26215656 ext.3676
 (3) 電子郵件:
 (4) 全英中心官方網站:

The first Tamkang University English Presentation (by video recording) Competition

1. Purpose

The EMI Center of Tamkang University is currently implementing the Ministry of Education's Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College to promote bilingual education. To encourage students to work on refining their English oral expression skills, the EMI Center is holding a video-recording based English presentation competition, where students’ logical thinking and English oral skills can be cultivated. It is hoped that in combination with the diverse video creation formats, TKU students’ motivation for learning English and the results thereof can be raised.

2. Organizer
 Supervisory entity: Tamkang University.
 Organizer: Tamkang University EMI Center.

3. Event period
 (1) Entry submission: open from now until December 15, 2022.
 (2) Announcement of the list of winners: December 20, 2022, on the official website of the EMI Center.

4. Eligibility
 Any student with Republic of China citizenship, enrolled in Tamkang University's undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs, and is or have taken an EMI course.

5. Rules:
 (1) Entrants: the event is a group competition, limited to 2-3 individuals per group. No individual entries will be accepted.

  (2) Topic: Is English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) good or bad?

 (3) Description: use a video-based format to discuss whether EMI is good or bad. Please record the speaking portion with a powerpoint presentation in a video, which can be edited and go through post production before being submitted.

6. Entry specifications

 (1) Duration: between 7-10 minutes (and no longer)

 (2) Video format: MP4 or MOV are recommended, but other formats that are supported for uploads on social media networks can be submitted. The file submitted should be named “entrant name and surname_student number”

 (3) Video resolution: 1920x1080p or higher resolution, landscape orientation video.

 (4) Video content: the presentation must be entirely in English, and all member have to be on camera.

 (5) Presentation format: PPT or PPTX file, and named “entrant name_student number”.

 (6) Recording equipment: no restriction, any video recording equipment including cell phones, camera, or tablets can be used.

7. Submission method

 (1) Each group is to assign a member as the contact person who will complete the online entry form (, complete the basic information and the work can be submitted online or in person at the EMI Center)

 (2) Please store the video and presentation files on the personal cloud and provide access to these files. The link to these files are to provided when completing the online entry form, or deliver the files in person to the EMI Center (T1119) for processing.

 (3) Each member must submit a hard copy of the information related to the entry (attachments 1 and 2) to the EMI Center.

 (4) After receiving an entry, the Center will confirm whether it meets the requirements, and provide a notification letter for successful submission as a response within 3 working days. If the information is incomplete and supplementary information is needed, the organizer shall notify the entrant/s to provide the necessary information within the given time period. Entries that fail to deliver the supplementary information before the deadline or continues to provide incomplete information shall not be processed and entered into the competition.

8. Scoring criteria
 (1) Expression/Usage of English (40%): English pronunciation, as well as the grammar and accuracy.
 (2) Presentation content (40%): thematic relevance, fluency and interpretation of creative expression.
 (3) Overall presentation (20%): including the physical presentation, oral presentation, demeanor, dress code and appearance.

9. Prize awards

Prizes for best content
 One winner, an award of 5,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One runner-up, an award of 4,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One second runner-up, an award of 3,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One outstanding work prizes, an award of 2,000 TWD and a certificate.

Prizes for best creativity
 One winner, an award of 5,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One runner-up, an award of 4,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One second runner-up, an award of 3,000 TWD and a certificate.
 One outstanding work prizes, an award of 2,000 TWD and a certificate.

10. Items to note

 (i) Entrants shall guarantee that their entry enjoys all copyrights, and that there is no plagiarism. Where the video involves the work of another or rights thereof (including written, visual and audio material), the entrant shall have obtained the consent or authorization from the owner or holder of intellectual property right to said work, and shall provide the related declaration for authorization upon submission of their entry.

 (ii) Where an entry is found to be in violation of any of the following matters and is determined to be fact, its eligibility for entry and winning will be rescinded, while any monetary award and certificate received will be returned to the organizer: the work is untrue, or any action that is in violation of copyright or any right of another party. The entrant shall bear all responsibilities and compensation for the related legal responsibility and losses, and the organizer are free from all such liabilities.

 (iii) Entries into this event must agree to provide to the EMI Center of Tamkang University the rights to use the entries for publicity and non-profit promotion of the Center. The scope of authorization includes the reproduction, distribution, public transmission, and publicly broadcasting of the entries both domestically and abroad. No restrictions will be placed on how and how many times the entries can be used, and no additional remuneration will be given.

 (iv) Entries are limited to one per group.

 (v) Please retain your own personal copy of the files prior to submission. The entry will not be returned to the entrants after submission.

 (vi) Upon the conclusion of the competition, the winning videos will be disseminated on various social media and audiovisual platforms for perusal by staff and students.

 (vii) The organizer may amend, make public announcements and process any matters that are not described herein at any time.

11. Contact Window
 (1) Event officer: Ms. Chang, EMI Center, Tamkang University
 (2) Telephone no.: 02-26215656 ext.3676
 (3) E-mail:
 (4) Official EMI Center website:

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