1. 活動宗旨
2. 主辦單位
3. 活動時間
(1) 收件時間:即日起至111年11月18日止。
(2) 獲獎名單公告:111年11月28日,於全英語教學推動中心官網公告。
4. 參賽資格
(1) 為淡江大學學士班、碩士班、博士班在學生。
(2) 曾經或正在修習全英語授課課程之學生。
5. 競賽主題
6. 格式與內容規定:
A. 格式
(1) 僅收電子檔格式- Office Word檔。
(2) 版面配置:A4大小/直向
(3) 字型:Times New Romans
(4) 字體大小:12號字
(5) 行距:單行間距
(6) 頁面方向:直向
(7) 邊界:Word標準(上、下2.45公分及左、右3.18公分)
B. 內容
(1) 文長限250-300字,可視情況分段。
(2) 作品內容僅限英文書寫,違反規定將遭淘汰。
(3) 若有引文需使用引號“”並標記出處,違反規定將遭淘汰。
(4) 若未按照規定格式及內容,作品將不予評比,也將不納入參賽。
7. 參賽方式
(1) 填寫網路報名表單。
(2) 寄送作品電子檔至中心信箱(emitku2021@gmail.com),並且檔名為 【學號姓名_作品名稱】,或親送作品紙本至全英語教學推動中心(T1119)。
(3) 繳交紙本報名相關資料(附件1、2)至全英語教學推動中心(T1119)。
(4) 中心於收到參賽作品後將確認參賽稿件是否符合規定,於 3 個工作天內回傳報名成功通知信。如資料不齊全 需補件者,主辦單位得通知限期補正,逾期未補正或補正不全者,將不予受理評審。
8. 評分標準
(1) 內容結構(40%):文章明確切題、組織架構以及清楚、連貫性。
(2) 英文表達能力(30%):英文文法及用字遣詞之流暢度。
(3) 創意性(30%):文章之創意性及對題目之發想。
9. 獎勵辦法
10. 注意事項
(1) 若有引文請以詳細註明出處以及其參考資料。
(2) 參賽作品若有下列情事之一,經查屬實者,將取消參賽及獲獎資格並追回獎金、獎狀:作品不實、侵害他人著作權或其他權利之行為。相關法律責任與損失,由參賽者自行負責與賠償,與主辦單位無關。
(3) 本活動之參賽作品須同意提供淡江大學全英語推動中心之宣傳與非營利推廣使用,授權範圍包括利用作品
(4) 參賽者投稿以一件為限,繳交後概不退件,請自行留存稿件。
(6) 本辦法如有未盡事宜,主辦單位得隨時修訂並公告辦理。
11. 聯絡窗口
(1) 業務承辦人:淡江大學全英語教學推動中心 張小姐
(2) 電話:02-26215656 ext.3676
(3) 電子郵件:emitku2021@gmail.com
(4) 中心官網:https://www.emi.tku.edu.tw/
The First Tamkang University EMI campus English Composition Competition
1. Purpose
The EMI Center of Tamkang University is currently implementing the Ministry of Education's Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College to promote bilingual education, in order to help students connect with the world, to cultivate professional language skills and international perspective, and to bring diverse learning stimulation into university courses so as to provide copious enrichment and resources to the students.
In the first semester of the 2022 academic year, in order to promote the University's English as a medium for instruction (EMI) courses, the EMI Center is holding an EMI campus English composition competition, in the hope of enhancing the writing skills of students who are currently enrolled in EMI courses, and to further cultivate their interest in English composition.
2. Organizer
(1) Supervisory entity: Tamkang University.
(2) Organizer: Tamkang University EMI Center.
3. Deadlines
(1) Entry deadline: open from now until November 18, 2022.
(2) Announcement of the list of winners: November 28, 2022, on the official website of the EMI Center.
4. Eligibility
(1) Any student enrolled in Tamkang University's undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs.
(2) Have taken or are currently enrolled in an EMI course.
5. Theme
Please compose a short essay of 250-300 words in length under the theme of “If you were a ambassador for the promotion of EMI courses, how would you go about doing so?” Please provide your own title appropriate to the essay.
6. Specifications for the format and content
A. Format
(1) Only electronic files in MS Word shall be accepted.
(2) Page size and layout: A4 size, portrait
(3) Font: Time New Romans
(4) Font size: 12
(5) Spacing: single
(6) Margin: standard (2.45cm for top and bottom, 3.18cm for left and right)
B. Content
(1) The writing shall be 250-300 words in length, and paragraphs are allowed depending on the writing.
(2) Only English shall be used; any entry in violation shall be eliminated from the competition.
(3) Where a reference or quote is used, please indicate with the use of quotation marks (“ “); any entry in violation shall be eliminated from the competition..
(4) Entries that does not comply with any of the above format or content specifications shall not be entered into the competition and considered.
7. How to enter
(1) Fill out the online registration form.
(2) Entrants are email their submissions (emitku2021@gmail.com), and name the file as “student number_composition title”, or to deliver a hard copy of the entry in person to the EMI Center (T1119).
(3) Submit the relevant paper-based documents (Appendix 1 and 2) to the EMI Center (T1119).
(4) After receiving an entry, the Center will confirm whether it meets the requirements, and provide a notification letter for successful submission as a response within 3 working days. If the information is incomplete and supplementary information is needed, the organizer shall notify the entrant/s to provide the necessary information within the given time period. Entries that fail to deliver the supplementary information before the deadline or continues to provide incomplete information shall not be processed and entered into the competition.
8. Scoring criteria
(1) Structure of content (40%): the clarity and relevance of the writing to the theme, the structure and coherence of the content.
(2) Ability to express in English (30%): the correct use of grammar and use of words and phrasing for fluent expression.
(3) Creativity (30%): the creativity demonstrated in the composition and the ideas derived from the given theme.
9. Prize awards
Prizes for the demonstrating the most creativity
One winner, an award of 5,000 TWD and a certificate.
One runner-up, an award of 4,000 TWD and a certificate.
One second runner-up, an award of 3,000 TWD and a certificate.
One outstanding work prize, an award of 2,000 TWD and a certificate.
Prizes for the best content
One winner, an award of 5,000 TWD and a certificate.
One runner-up, an award of 4,000 TWD and a certificate.
One second runner-up, an award of 3,000 TWD and a certificate.
One outstanding work prize, an award of 2,000 TWD and a certificate.
(A winner in one category are still considered for the other category, and thus can be awarded prizes from both categories)
10. Items to note
(i) Where the entrant has referenced or quoted a source, please provide details of the source and any relevant reference materials.
(ii) Where an entry is found to be in violation of any of the following matters and is determined to be fact, its eligibility for entry and winning will be rescinded, while any monetary award and certificate received will be returned to the organizer: the work is untrue, or any action that is in violation of copyright or any right of another party. The entrant shall bear all responsibilities and compensation for the related legal responsibility and losses, and the organizer are free from all such liabilities.
(iii) Entries into this event must agree to provide to the EMI Center of Tamkang University the rights to use the entries for publicity and non-profit promotion of the Center. The scope of authorization includes the reproduction, distribution, public transmission, and publicly broadcasting of the entries both domestically and abroad. No restrictions will be placed on how and how many times the entries can be used, and no additional remuneration will be given.
(iv) Entries are limited to one per person. Please retain your own personal copy prior to submission. The entry will not be returned to the individual after submission.
(v) The organizer may amend, make public announcements and process any matters that are not described herein at any time.
11. Contact Window
(1) Event officer: Ms. Chang, EMI Center, Tamkang University
(2) Telephone no.: 02-26215656 ext.3676
(3) E-mail: emitku2021@gmail.com
(4) Official Center website: https://www.emi.tku.edu.tw/