多益800分保證班: 聽力與閱讀 (TOEIC 800: Listening and Reading)
一、 時間:每週二16:00至18:00,不含春假及期中考週,共10週(113/03/12至113/05/28)。
二、 地點:會再郵件通知!
三、 授課教師:世界知名大學南非金山大學羅得彰博士。
四、 課程說明:
I. Time: Every Tuesday from 16:00 to 18:00, (excluding spring break and midterm week), for a total of 10 weeks (2014/03/12 to 2014/05/28).
II. Venue: to be confirmed by email.
III. Instructor: Dr. Mike Lo, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
IV. Course Description
1. A maximum of 50 students.
2. After the registration is completed, please bring your student ID card to the EMI Center (T1119) within 3 days to pay a $ 500 course and teaching material fees (which will also act as a deposit). Registration is successful upon being approved by the Center.
3. If a student’s attendance rate is 80% or higher, another email will be sent to inform the student to collect the deposit after the end of the course.
4. The Center will be open to accept the deposit during office hours (8:30-11:30 or 13:30-17:00).
5. Please bring the correct amount when paying, as no change will be given.
6. If a student is unable to come to make payment, the Center will accept payment made of their behalf by another student. Alternatively, call or email the Center to reserve the place.
7. Late payment will not be accepted and the place will be offered to the next student on the reserve list.
報名網址: https://enroll.tku.edu.tw/course.aspx?cid=pe20240312