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淡江大學第三屆【EMI校園英文寫作競賽】得獎名單公告Tamkang University 3rd EMI Campus English Writing Competition Winners Announcement

Tamkang University 3rd EMI Campus English Writing Competition Winners Announcement

冠軍:英文學系 陳家萱 同學
亞軍:英文學系 陳威誠 同學
季軍:國際企業學系吳軒瑜 同學
佳作:國際事務與戰略研究所 吳沛璇 同學

The list of winners is as follows:

First Place: 英文系陳家萱
Second Place: 英文系 陳威誠 同學
Third Place: 國企系吳軒瑜 同學
Honorable Mention Award: 戰略博士班 吳沛璇 同學

Congratulations to the above award-winning students! After the announcement of the winners, the Center will send another notification via email to the winners. Please keep an eye on your inbox.

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