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時 間:2022/05/03 ( 15:00 ~ 17:00 )
地 點:B302A
主 講 人:醒吾科技大學企管系教授吳怡芳教授
主辦單位 :管科系








From education 4.0 to teaching 4.0 (The Department of Management Science EMI teaching community workshop)

Time: 05/03/2022 (15:00 ~ 17:00 )
Venue: B302A
Speaker: Professor Iee-Fung Wu, Department of Business Administration, Hsing Wu University
Organizer: Department of Management Science

This semester, the Department of Management Science EMI teaching community workshop this semester invited Professor Iee-Fung Wu (also a professor of the Department of Business Administration at Hsing Wu University) teaching the business management EMI class for masters, who is much loved by foreign students, to share on her teaching experience on EMI teaching.

The Department of Management Science held a EMI teacher community lecture in B302A at 3pm on May 3. The event invited Professor Iee-Fung Wu, who is teaching in the Management Science EMI masters course at Tamkang University, to speak on the topic “From education 4.0 to teaching 4.0”, to share on her teaching experience in EMI courses, where she creates an environment for learning English, to train their listening abilities, and by getting along well with the students, they will be more naturally inclined to learn.

Professor Iee-Fung Wu is currently the director of Department of Business Administration at Hsing Wu University. She first spoke on for education evolved from 1.0 to 4.0, that is, education 1.0 was about experience, 2.0 was on information, and 3.0 was on ability, the aims were to encourage universities to develop education with its own feature. Education 4.0 included propagation of principles, teaching,
problem solving and providing guidace. It uses the Internet and mobile smart terminals as the interface for human-computer interactions to satisfy the mental experience of learners by combining it with the the education style of learning community.

Teaching 4.0 is about curriculum design and evaluation, and teaching strategies and methods, and the interaction between teachers and students are particularly important. Professor Wu believes that the participation of students in the classroom is the key to successful teaching. She shared on her teaching methods, designing “13 steps to not let you sleep" to makes the course more interesting. She considers herself to be a lucky teacher, as the postgraduate EMI students are relatively mature, with good fundamentals, have a good learning attitude and are polite. She quickly becomes friends with them and understands cultural differences that exist between the students, and thus is more able to teach students in accordance with their level of ability.

Associate professor I-Fei Chen of the Department of Management Science, and Bao-Yuan Huang, a doctoral student, asked if there are students in the class from Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, or Korea and Japan with different level of language proficiency, how would one guide the teaching process? Professor Wu shared, "You can design teaching materials, teaching aids, and lesson plans to arouse students' interest in learning, or let students with stronger English ability in the class to assist the weaker students in their learning process. And in this day and age where mobile phone is the king, those who don't understand things can do a search to find the answer at any time."

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